TYPO3 ver. 7.6.2 - Condition ViewHelpers evaluated only once

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-05 17:52:13

The AbstractConditionViewHelper implements the TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Facets\CompilableInterface interface. This means that it implements a compile method that actually returns PHP code that will be stored in the compiled Fluid views.

Have a look at this method in the source code:

 public function compile($argumentsVariableName, $renderChildrenClosureVariableName, &$initializationPhpCode, \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Parser\SyntaxTree\AbstractNode $syntaxTreeNode, \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Compiler\TemplateCompiler $templateCompiler)
     foreach ($syntaxTreeNode->getChildNodes() as $childNode) {
         if ($childNode instanceof ViewHelperNode
             && $childNode->getViewHelperClassName() === ThenViewHelper::class) {
             $childNodesAsClosure = $templateCompiler->wrapChildNodesInClosure($childNode);
             $initializationPhpCode .= sprintf('%s[\'__thenClosure\'] = %s;', $argumentsVariableName, $childNodesAsClosure) . LF;
         if ($childNode instanceof ViewHelperNode
             && $childNode->getViewHelperClassName() === ElseViewHelper::class) {
             $childNodesAsClosure = $templateCompiler->wrapChildNodesInClosure($childNode);
             $initializationPhpCode .= sprintf('%s[\'__elseClosure\'] = %s;', $argumentsVariableName, $childNodesAsClosure) . LF;

     return sprintf('%s::renderStatic(%s, %s, $renderingContext)',
         get_class($this), $argumentsVariableName, $renderChildrenClosureVariableName);

Once compiled, the render() method will not be called anymore (it will on the first invocation, when the template is not yet compiled). Instead, the renderStatic() method will be called.

Solution: You can either

  1. also override the renderStatic() method and implement your ViewHelper logic there (again)
  2. not implement the render() method and simply overwrite the static evaluateCondition($arguments) method. This method is actually designed to be overwritten -- the default implementations of both render() and renderStatic() call this method:

    This method decides if the condition is TRUE or FALSE. It can be overriden in extending viewhelpers to adjust functionality.

    static protected function evaluateCondition($arguments = null)
        $requiredArray = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $arguments['requiredFields'], true);
        return (in_array($arguments['fieldName'], $requiredArray));

The quickest solution is to overwrite the class render and evaluateCondition like this:

public function initializeArguments()

public function render() 
        return self::evaluateCondition($this->arguments) ? $this->renderThenChild() : $this->renderElseChild();

 * @return bool
protected static function evaluateCondition($arguments = null) 
         //do your stuff
         return true;