Oracle JDK and Eclipse JDT compilers disagree! Which is compiling this incorrectly? Unusual generics and inferrence

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-05 16:45:57

It seems that the compiler does some kind of simplification. Foo.method1 and Foo.method2 are declared with two parameters, X and Y, one of which can be determined during inferring, but X is not used at all.

So when you call Double bobble = bar.method1() X should be calculated as extends Foo<Bar, Double>, but the compiler decides to drop this parameter because it is not used.

When you explicitly specify method parameters then compiler has to check their correctness and fails as expected.

If you change either of these methods to accept arguments of type X then you won't get this ambiguous situation because you'll provide some information for the compiler which will be used to determine actual X.

Eclipse had several such bugs when its compiler shows no errors at all, but javac starts complaining about incorrect method calls. The best way to avoid such errors is using explicit parameters, in this case most compilers behave almost identically. So if you have problems with explicit parameters it's better re-design your classes.
