Get IP addresses of established connections to Oracle 11

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-05 16:27:00

Bear in mind that the Oracle session doesn't need to know, and certainly doesn't need to trust, the client name/IP address you're coming from; it's sitting above the network transport layer, and doesn't really care if you're connected over TCP/IP or something else. (I'm not even sure if the listener has to pass the info across, or if it effectively passes a ready-made socket). As you've seen the machine is just what the client declared, like program and other fields in the v$session view; it may not bear any resemblance to anything that DNS or your server's /etc/hosts can resolve, particularly if the client is a Windows box.

What you could do is, at Unix/Linux level (since you refer to /etc/hosts, I assume you aren't on Windows), look for the port and see what address that shows; for example v$session shows my port as 50527, so if I do netstat -an | grep 50527 I see:

tcp  0  0  ESTABLISHED

So I can see I'm connected from You can do that with a host command if you're running SQL*Plus on the server, but it's still a bit inconvenient. If you needed to do this regularly, and adding a logon trigger to capture it to an audit table isn't an option, and you really had to do it from within the database you could probably write a Java stored procedure to do the lookup from that port for you. But it's probably easier to write a shell script to query the port numbers from v$session and do the lookup that way round.

Thanks to all for digging into my question (which is still general purpose, not exactly mine!!).

Just short answer: you can't get real IP from Oracle system tables.

For this tasks you can use general purpose utilities like netstat or lsof -p <pid-of-oracle> but only on server side!

Some help can come from v$session.port values...

One good suggestion from helpers - use good names from DB clients. They are populated to v$session table rows:

machine, terminal, program, module, service_name

so they can help to identify clients...

Ken Banyas

The IP address of an incoming connection can usually be found in your Listener log. That is how I track such information when I need to.

I've found my auditing script from 2001 when logon triggers didn't exist AFAIK. It parses the COMMENT$TEXT column of SYS.AUD$ where ACTION#=100 to get the IP address of the client. That column still contains Authenticated by: DATABASE; Client address: (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=a.a.a.a)(PORT=p)) in our environments.
