Local Load Testing: The load test results database could not be opened

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-05 16:21:08
Aran Mulholland

The answer was simple. I was setting up the connection string in the "SQL Tracing Connect String" instead of clicking the little "Manage Test Controller" icon at the top of my load test window and setting up the connection string from there.

Now I'm off to remove some of those superfluous permissions I created on that SQL user :)


The SQL Connection String is NOT stored in the loadtest files. The setting seems to be PC specific so I had to change it on the build server - in one loadtest file (address.loadtest) as shown, then all the other loadtests adopt the same connection string.

I am using Visual Studio 2013 and had this error as well, but for a different reason. It's not entirely clear when setting up a load test for the first time that it will attempt to save the results to a database by default. I didn't realize it was trying to save results to a database until I got the error on my first run attempt. Furthermore, in the load test wizard, there is no screen to configure the database settings or create the database schema for that matter.

I found this article on MSDN which helped me solve the problem.

How to: Create a Load Test Results Repository Using SQL https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182600%28v=vs.120%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

Basically, it explains that you first need to run a script to create the load test repository schema. Once this is in place on your SQL instance is (it could be anywhere you like), then you can point your load test to this database and save your results there.

For me after I had set database connections and all the test results was still not writing to the database.

I forgot to change my storage type in the properties section of the runsettings. The property is called 'Storage Type'

Storage Type : change it from None to Database
