“Can only join an iterable” python error

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-05 16:03:57


I've already looked at this post about iterable python errors:

"Can only iterable" Python error

But that was about the error "cannot assign an iterable". My question is why is python telling me:

 "list.py", line 6, in <module>
    reversedlist = ' '.join(toberlist1)
TypeError: can only join an iterable

I don't know what I am doing wrong! I was following this thread:

Reverse word order of a string with no str.split() allowed

and specifically this answer:

>>> s = 'This is a string to try'
>>> r = s.split(' ')
['This', 'is', 'a', 'string', 'to', 'try']
>>> r.reverse()
>>> r
['try', 'to', 'string', 'a', 'is', 'This']
>>> result = ' '.join(r)
>>> result
'try to string a is This'

and adapter the code to make it have an input. But when I ran it, it said the error above. I am a complete novice so could you please tell me what the error message means and how to fix it.

Code Below:

import re
list1 = input ("please enter the list you want to print")
print ("Your List: ", list1)
splitlist1 = list1.split(' ')
tobereversedlist1 = splitlist1.reverse()
reversedlist = ' '.join(tobereversedlist1)
yesno = input ("Press 1 for original list or 2 for reversed list")
yesnoraw = int(yesno)
if yesnoraw == 1:
    print (list1)
    print (reversedlist)

The program should take an input like apples and pears and then produce an output pears and apples.

Help would be appreciated!


splitlist1.reverse(), like many list methods, acts in-place, and therefore returns None. So tobereversedlist1 is therefore None, hence the error.

You should pass splitlist1 directly:

reversedlist = ' '.join(splitlist1)


string join must satisfy the connection object to be iterated(list, tuple)

splitlist1.reverse() returns None, None object not support iteration.

