Maven + AndroidAnnotations generated but not reachable classes

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-05 15:42:10

Well... In your maven-processor-plugin configuration you're using the old package naming for the AA processor (ie : com.googlecode.androidannotations.AndroidAnnotationProcessor).

As you're using the 3.0-SNAPSHOT, you should modify it to use the new one : org.androidannotations.AndroidAnnotationProcessor

Also, I'm not sure you really need this plugin to make AA works.

Seems the problem was caused by a dependency not being resolved.

At first Maven did not even report this missing dependency, until I started removing things from my pom which I had added in an attempt to resolve this issue.

Now, what explains that the dependency didn't get auto-resolved, is the fact that there is no such artifact on the central maven repository.

As such, I added the following repository :

    <!-- For developing with Android ROME Feed Reader -->
        <name>Android ROME Feed Reader Repository</name>

Resulting in that 'hidden' dependency being resolved.

This dependency seems to be needed by the

    <!-- Needed for androidannotations REST interface-->

Spring docs report that this 'hidden dependency' of which we're speaking is needed for RSS and Atom feed support by the rest-template.

What made this even weirder is that the initial activity annotated by AA got created and resolved nicely. As long as I didn't refer to a generated class, e.g. for navigation, then it did compile and run. From the moment I tried to use a class_ in code however, it went down this path.

Hope this helps !
