How to create objects from SwiftyJSON

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-05 14:51:23


I have a code, that parses JSON's list of questions and I can get every property. How can I iterate through the whole file and for each question create an object ?

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var hoge: JSON?

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let number = arc4random_uniform(1000)
    let url = NSURL(string: "\(number)")
    var request = NSURLRequest(URL: url!)
    var data = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(request, returningResponse: nil, error: nil)
    if data != nil {
        hoge = JSON(data: data!)
        let level = hoge!["pack1"][0]["level"].intValue
        let questionText = hoge!["pack1"][0]["questionText"].stringValue
        let answer1 = hoge!["pack1"][0]["answer1"].stringValue
        let answer2 = hoge!["pack1"][0]["answer2"].stringValue
        let answer3 = hoge!["pack1"][0]["answer3"].stringValue
        let answer4 = hoge!["pack1"][0]["answer4"].stringValue
        let correctAnswer = hoge!["pack1"][0]["correctAnswer"].stringValue
        let haveAnswered = hoge!["pack1"][0]["haveAnswered"].boolValue


my model of Question which objects I want to create below

class Question {

    var level : Int?
    var questionText : String?
    var answer1 : String?
    var answer2 : String?
    var answer3 : String?
    var answer4 : String?
    var correctAnswer : String?
    var haveAnswered : Bool = false

    init(level: Int, questionText:String, answer1:String, answer2:String, answer3:String, answer4:String, correctAnswer: String, haveAnswered:Bool) {
        self.level = level
        self.questionText = questionText
        self.answer1 = answer1
        self.answer2 = answer2
        self.answer3 = answer3
        self.answer4 = answer4
        self.correctAnswer = correctAnswer
        self.haveAnswered = false



This is how I would approach the problem.

Step 1

Since your init inside Question does receive non optional objects, I had the feeling that the properties of Questions should be non optional too. I also converted the properties from var to let (tell me if I am wrong).

Step 2

This is the refactored Question class. As you can see I added a class method build that receive a JSON (a SwiftyJSON) and returns a Question (if the json contains correct data), nil otherwise.

Right now I cannot do this with a failable initializer.

extension String {
    func toBool() -> Bool? {
        switch self.lowercaseString {
        case "true", "1", "yes" : return true
        case "false", "0", "no" : return false
        default: return nil

class Question {

    let level: Int
    let questionText: String
    let answer1: String
    let answer2: String
    let answer3: String
    let answer4: String
    let correctAnswer: String
    let haveAnswered: Bool

    init(level: Int, questionText:String, answer1:String, answer2:String, answer3:String, answer4:String, correctAnswer: String, haveAnswered:Bool) {
        self.level = level
        self.questionText = questionText
        self.answer1 = answer1
        self.answer2 = answer2
        self.answer3 = answer3
        self.answer4 = answer4
        self.correctAnswer = correctAnswer
        self.haveAnswered = false

    class func build(json:JSON) -> Question? {
        if let
            level = json["level"].string?.toInt(),
            questionText = json["questionText"].string,
            answer1 = json["answer1"].string,
            answer2 = json["answer2"].string,
            answer3 = json["answer3"].string,
            answer4 = json["answer4"].string,
            correctAnswer = json["correctAnswer"].string,
            haveAnswered = json["haveAnswered"].string?.toBool() {
                return Question(
                    level: level,
                    questionText: questionText,
                    answer1: answer1,
                    answer2: answer2,
                    answer3: answer3,
                    answer4: answer4,
                    correctAnswer: correctAnswer,
                    haveAnswered: haveAnswered)
        } else {
            debugPrintln("bad json \(json)")
            return nil

Step 3

Now let's look at viewDidLoad.

func viewDidLoad() {

    let number = arc4random_uniform(1000)

    if let
        url = NSURL(string: "\(number)"),
        data = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(NSURLRequest(URL: url), returningResponse: nil, error: nil) {
        // line #a
        let rootJSON = JSON(data: data) 
        // line #b
        if let questions = (rootJSON["pack1"].array?.map { return$0) }) {
            // now you have an array of optional questions [Question?]...


At line #a I put inside rootJSON the whole data received from the connection (converted into JSON).

What happen at line #b?

Well I try to access the array located inside "pack1".


If the array exists I run the map method. This will extract each cell of the array and I will be able to refer to it with the $0 parameter name inside the closure.

Inside the closure I use this json block (that should represent a question) to build a Question instance.

The result will be an array of Question?. There could be ill values if some son data was not valid. If you want I can show you how to remove the nil values from this array

I could not try the code with real data, hope this helps.


Step 1. We will create one protocol with one constructor method in it and Model class

protocol JSONable {
    init?(parameter: JSON)

class Style: JSONable {
    let ID              :String!
    let name            :String!

    required init(parameter: JSON) {
        ID            = parameter["id"].stringValue
        name          = parameter["name"].stringValue

    /*  JSON response format
      "status": true,
      "message": "",
      "data": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Style 1"
          "id": 2,
          "name": "Style 2"
          "id": 3,
          "name": "Style 3"

Step 2. We will create extension of JSON which will convert JSON to model class type object

extension JSON {
    func to<T>(type: T?) -> Any? {
        if let baseObj = type as? JSONable.Type {
            if self.type == .array {
                var arrObject: [Any] = []
                for obj in self.arrayValue {
                    let object = baseObj.init(parameter: obj)
                return arrObject
            } else {
                let object = baseObj.init(parameter: self)
                return object!
        return nil

Step 3. Use code with Alamofire or other code.

Alamofire.request(.GET, url).validate().responseJSON { response in
        switch response.result {
            case .success(let value):
                let json = JSON(value)

                var styles: [Style] = []
                if let styleArr = json["data"].to(type: Style.self) {
                    styles = styleArr as! [Style]
                print("styles: \(styles)")
            case .failure(let error):

I hope this will be useful.

Please refer to this link for more information on this.


You can use SwiftyJSONModel which was specifically designed for this purpose. So in your case the model would be like this:

class Question: JSONObjectInitializable {
    enum PropertyKey: String {
        case level, questionText
        case answer1, answer2, answer3, answer4
        case correctAnswer, haveAnswered

    var level : Int?
    var questionText : String?
    var answer1 : String?
    var answer2 : String?
    var answer3 : String?
    var answer4 : String?
    var correctAnswer : String?
    var haveAnswered : Bool = false

    required init(object: JSONObject<PropertyKey>) throws {
        level = object.value(for: .level)
        questionText = object.value(for: .questionText)
        answer1 = object.value(for: .answer1)
        answer2 = object.value(for: .answer2)
        answer3 = object.value(for: .answer3)
        answer4 = object.value(for: .answer4)
        correctAnswer = object.value(for: .correctAnswer)
        haveAnswered = object.value(for: .haveAnswered) ?? false

And then do like this:

let rootJSON = JSON(data: data)
let questions = rootJSON.arrayValue.flatMap { try? Question(json: $0) }

The framework gives you several nice features:

  1. All the keys are stored in separated enum PropertyKey
  2. No boilerplate as stringValue, intValue etc.
  3. If JSON will be invalid, framework will give a verbose error and you will immediately see what exactly went wrong


for (item, content) in hoge {
    let level = content["level"].intValue

that should work

