Generic CRUD operations using Slick 2.0

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-05 11:50:53

type TableElementType is abstract inside of class AbstractTable[A]. Scala doesn't know about any relationship between A and TableElementType. class Table on the other hand defines final type TableElementType = A, which tells Scala about this relationship (and apparently Scala is smart enough to use the final annotation to know that the relationanship even holds for a subtype T <: Table[A] eventhough Table[A] is not co-variant in A).

So you need to use T <: Table[A] instead of T <: AbstractTable[A]. And because Table is inside the Slick driver cake (as in cake pattern), you need to move your Crud into your cake as well. Cakes are viral.

trait Profile {
  val profile: JdbcProfile
trait CrudComponent{ this: Profile =>
  import profile.simple._

  trait Crud[T <: Table[A], A] {

    val qry: TableQuery[T]

    def countAll()(implicit session: Session): Int = {

    def getAll()(implicit session: Session): List[A] = {
        qry.list // <-- works as intended