This code will output:(YAML)
--- !!org.test.bean.Person
address: 4011 16th Ave S
Can hide my bean type(org.test.bean.Person) anyway !? (prefer to use snakeyaml config...i can't find it..)
public static void dumpYAML(){
Constructor constructor = new Constructor(Person.class);
TypeDescription personDescription = new TypeDescription(Person.class);
personDescription.putListPropertyType("phone", Tel.class);
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(constructor);
Person person = (Person) yaml.load(makeYAML());
DumperOptions options = new DumperOptions();
options.setCanonical(false); // display bean member attribute
options.setExplicitStart(true); // display --- start
yaml = new Yaml(options);
String output = yaml.dump(person);
Use org.yaml.snakeyaml.representer.Representer, set Tag.MAP can hide root tag.
Representer representer = new Representer();
representer.addClassTag(Person.class, Tag.MAP);
You can extend Representer to 'sneakily' inject any non-registered bean class as Map.
public class MapRepresenter extends Representer {
protected MappingNode representJavaBean(Set<Property> properties, Object javaBean) {
if (!classTags.containsKey(javaBean.getClass()))
addClassTag(javaBean.getClass(), Tag.MAP);
return super.representJavaBean(properties, javaBean);