Implement Digest authentication via HttpWebRequest in C#

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-05 11:01:30

Create a class Digest.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace NUI
    public class DigestAuthFixer
        private static string _host;
        private static string _user;
        private static string _password;
        private static string _realm;
        private static string _nonce;
        private static string _qop;
        private static string _cnonce;
        private static DateTime _cnonceDate;
        private static int _nc;

        public DigestAuthFixer(string host, string user, string password)
            // TODO: Complete member initialization
            _host = host;
            _user = user;
            _password = password;

        private string CalculateMd5Hash(
            string input)
            var inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
            var hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(inputBytes);
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var b in hash)
            return sb.ToString();

        private string GrabHeaderVar(
            string varName,
            string header)
            var regHeader = new Regex(string.Format(@"{0}=""([^""]*)""", varName));
            var matchHeader = regHeader.Match(header);
            if (matchHeader.Success)
                return matchHeader.Groups[1].Value;
            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Header {0} not found", varName));

        private string GetDigestHeader(
            string dir)
            _nc = _nc + 1;

            var ha1 = CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", _user, _realm, _password));
            var ha2 = CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}", "GET", dir));
            var digestResponse =
                CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2:00000000}:{3}:{4}:{5}", ha1, _nonce, _nc, _cnonce, _qop, ha2));

            return string.Format("Digest username=\"{0}\", realm=\"{1}\", nonce=\"{2}\", uri=\"{3}\", " +
                "algorithm=MD5, response=\"{4}\", qop={5}, nc={6:00000000}, cnonce=\"{7}\"",
                _user, _realm, _nonce, dir, digestResponse, _qop, _nc, _cnonce);

        public string GrabResponse(
            string dir)
            var url = _host + dir;
            var uri = new Uri(url);

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);

            // If we've got a recent Auth header, re-use it!
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cnonce) &&
                DateTime.Now.Subtract(_cnonceDate).TotalHours < 1.0)
                request.Headers.Add("Authorization", GetDigestHeader(dir));

            HttpWebResponse response;
                response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            catch (WebException ex)
                // Try to fix a 401 exception by adding a Authorization header
                if (ex.Response == null || ((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)

                var wwwAuthenticateHeader = ex.Response.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"];
                _realm = GrabHeaderVar("realm", wwwAuthenticateHeader);
                _nonce = GrabHeaderVar("nonce", wwwAuthenticateHeader);
                _qop = GrabHeaderVar("qop", wwwAuthenticateHeader);

                _nc = 0;
                _cnonce = new Random().Next(123400, 9999999).ToString();
                _cnonceDate = DateTime.Now;

                var request2 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
                request2.Headers.Add("Authorization", GetDigestHeader(dir));
                response = (HttpWebResponse)request2.GetResponse();
            var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
            return reader.ReadToEnd();

Now in your application, you can use the following code:

DigestAuthFixer digest = new DigestAuthFixer(url, username, password);
string strReturn = digest.GrabResponse(url);

This article from 4GuysFromRolla appears to be what you are looking for:

I'm currently observing the same issue, though the web server I'm testing this against is my own. The server logs show:

Digest: uri mismatch - </var/path/some.jpg> does not match request-uri

I tried removing the arguments from the URL (as that seemed to be what's different), but the error still occurred just like before.

My conclusion is that the URL arguments have to be included in the digest hash as well and that the HttpWebRequest is for some reason removing it.
