C: IFS System() Vulnerability

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-05 10:50:00

I suppose we are studying at the same university, because I am currently confronted with the same problem. I don't want to give you the whole solution, because that would be too easy =)

Your IFS variable is not ignored, but it doesn't work as you might think. When you call the C-Programm there is an additional output in the shell, which refers to the lesspipe. With the information in this link and this german link you are able to solve the challenge1 ;)

Add the IFS as part of your program's call to system(). System executes the code with /usr/bin/sh -c. So you can do similar to what you'd in the shell prompt.

system("export IFS='/'; /usr/bin/cmd");

Note that once the child process is terminated, the IFS set will no longer be available in the parent.
