'$' selector in Protractor

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-05 10:33:17

That looks like jQuery syntax but it is not, it's part of Protractor. That's why .children is throwing an error because we're not actually using jQuery. $ is a shorthanded version of element(by.css()) i.e.

$('my-css'); is the exact same as element(by.css('my-css'));

They also have $$ which is the same as element.all(by.css())

Despite the lack of documentation, it does not have to be used for chaining to find child elements. i.e. using Julie's protractor demo (I modified the example):

describe('Protractor Demo App', function() {
  it('read the header', function() {
    $('h3').getText().then(function (val) {

That prints out the title of the h3 element that I located. The $ and $$ are simply a shorthand for css selectors.

Source: here for $$, here for $, and here for more

Also this is a nice document I found (though it does not mention the use of $$ : http://luxiyalu.com/protractor-locators-selectors/

We made updates to the Protractor's API for $. Also, there are several places in Protractor's specs that use chained $. See below (from spec/async_spec.js):

  it('should work with synchronous actions', function() {
    var increment = $('#increment');


This is the correct API doc for $:

"Shortcut for querying the document directly with css. element(by.css('.abc')) is equivalent to $('.abc')"

