Understanding branch use with Visual Studio 2010, AnkhSVN, and SVN 1.7.4

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-05 10:21:57

First thing to do: read at least the first two chapters of Version Control with Subversion and play with the examples. To do the latter it's better to use a command-line client, such as Slik SVN.

AnkhSVN on its own is not enough for an SVN client - it's just a convenience tool for integrating SVN into VS. So if you'd like to use a GUI client (in addition to a command-line client, that IMHO is a must in any case), then most popular one for Windows is Tortoise SVN.

(Actively) reading Version Control with Subversion will help you with all your current questions, but here are some initial thoughts:

Problem 1 Did you commit your branch? You can make sure by running svn info [repo_url]/branches/[your_branch]

Problem 2 It seems that there is some misunderstanding on you part: SVN also 'pulls' (the term is 'check out') your files locally. Read the book!!!

In general, your SVN structure should reflect your folder structure, not vice versa. Also generally you work on only one branch at a time, and have only one branch checked out. When you need to work on another branch you do 'svn switch'. It conserves space. Now, of course you can check out all of your repository starting at the repo root, but why would you do that? (I can think of such situations, but they are more concerned with repository maintenance, rather than with a regular workflow).

Problem 3 Conflicts - not even worth talking about until you read the book.

I hope this will point you in the right direction. Reading the first two chapters of the book should take you anywhere from couple of hours to couple of days.

  1. Did you add and commit the file?

  2. You could use switch to the keep same folder, as given in the example here or you could have two separated folders for your trunk and branch. It's up to you and what works for your project. It may be better to use switch if your project has to be in a certain path to work, for example a Web service.

  3. Unfortunately I don't have Ankh in front of me, but you should be able to edit or resolve conflicts with a tool built into Ankh, but you could change the configuration to use a 3rd party tool as well. Documentation here.
