In the Boost Phoenix article, "Transforming the Expression Tree", here, a set of specialisations of a custom invert_actions
class, are used to invert binary arithmetic expressions. For example a+b
becomes a-b
; a*b
becomes a/b
; and vice versa for both.
This involves a recursive traversal of the expression tree - however, this traversal stops when an expression involving an operator not explicitly handled is encountered. For example, _1+_2-_3
will become _1-_2+_3
, but _1+_1&_2
will stay as it is (there is no handler for &
). let(_a = 1, _b = 2) [ _a+_b ]
will also be left unchanged.
I had thought this was as intended by the article, but looking at the tests listed at the end, I see that if_(_1 * _4)[_2 - _3]
is expected to change; with the code supplied (here), I find that it doesn't.
How then can I define a generic Boost Phoenix expression tree transform which applies to all of a set of explicitly listed (n-ary) operators; leaving the others unchanged?
Some code may be useful. I'd like the following C++11 code (auto) to output 0
, and not 2
; without explicitly handling the &
, or any other operator/statement.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/proto/proto.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using namespace proto;
using namespace phoenix;
using namespace arg_names;
struct invrt {
template <typename Rule> struct when : proto::_ {};
template <>
struct invrt::when<rule::plus>
: proto::call<
evaluator(_left, _context), evaluator(_right, _context)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto f = phoenix::eval( _1+_1&_2 , make_context(make_env(), invrt()) );
std::cout << f(1,2) << std::endl; // Alas 2 instead of 0
return 0;
This is how you do it with straight Proto:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/proto/proto.hpp>
namespace proto = boost::proto;
using namespace boost::phoenix;
using namespace arg_names;
struct invrt:
// Turn plus nodes into minus
proto::plus<proto::_, proto::_>,
invrt(proto::_left), invrt(proto::_right)
// This recurses on children, transforming them with invrt
proto::nary_expr<proto::_, proto::vararg<invrt> >
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto f = invrt()(_1+_1&_2);
std::cout << f(1,2) << std::endl;
return 0;
Phoenix has layered a bunch of stuff on top of Proto. I don't know the semantics of pheonix::eval
or why what you tried didn't work. Perhaps someone knowledgeable of Phoenix will chime in.
==== EDIT ====
I figured out the problem with the Phoenix example. It's not recursing for the non-plus case. Your code should be as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/proto/proto.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using namespace proto;
using namespace phoenix;
using namespace arg_names;
struct invrt {
template <typename Rule>
struct when :
// NOTE!!! recursively transform children and reassemble
nary_expr<_, vararg<proto::when<_, evaluator(_, _context)> > >
template <>
struct invrt::when<rule::plus> :
evaluator(_left, _context), evaluator(_right, _context)
int main()
auto f = phoenix::eval( _1+_1&_2 , make_context(make_env(), invrt()) );
std::cout << f(1,2) << std::endl; // Prints 0. Huzzah!
Whether you consider that simpler or more complicated than the straight Proto solution is for you to decide.