Mocking Method Calls In Python

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-05 08:17:04

You can't override a function call, but you can override the function itself.

From the docs:

>>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock
>>> thing = ProductionClass()
>>> thing.method = MagicMock(return_value=3)
>>> thing.method(3, 4, 5, key='value')
>>> thing.method.assert_called_with(3, 4, 5, key='value')

So in your case:

openpyxl.load_workbook = MagicMock(return_value=wb)

You don't have to import the target you want to mock in your unit tests. Use patch to mock the target. Let's assume your code has this import statement: import openpyxl. Patch then can be used in your test as a decorator:

import unittest
from unittest import mock
from MyPythonFile import MyClass

class TestMyClass(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_myclass(self, openpyxl_mock):
        wb_dummy = 'foo'
        openpyxl_mock.load_workbook.return_value = wb_dummy

        myclass = MyClass()
        myclass.load_workbook()  # assuming this calls openpyxl.load_workbook()

Note that you have to add an argument to the test method which will get the mock object.

Or as a context manager:

import unittest
from unittest import mock
from MyPythonFile import MyClass

class TestMyClass(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_myclass(self):
        with mock.patch('MyPythonFile.openpyxl') as openpyxl_mock:
            wb_dummy = 'foo'
            openpyxl_mock.load_workbook.return_value = wb_dummy

            myclass = MyClass()
            myclass.load_workbook()  # assuming this calls openpyxl.load_workbook()