Spring Boot 2.0 Prometheus Backward Compatibility

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-05 08:09:06

To make Trial no 1 work, just add in the Prometheus default registry as a bean that Micrometer will be able to leverage.

public CollectorRegistry collectorRegistry() {
    return CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry;

Micrometer doesn't use the default registry by default since it doesn't allow un-registering of meters and can make unit testing quite difficult.

To make Trial no 2 work will require re-implementing the prometheus actuator endpoint, since that class changed drastically with SpringBoot 2. I wouldn't recommend that approach.

It took me very long to figure out the real problem, rather I had to debug Spring code to solve this. Here is the solution, you need to exclude "micrometer-core" from "spring-boot-starter-actuator" and add "micrometer-registry-prometheus" specifically, like below:
