MongoError: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND undefined undefined:27017

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-05 07:22:51
Ravi Shankar Bharti

I think you are not providing the PORT NO. required for mongoDB.

Please give the port no.(27017) along with localhost.

Try this:

var dbURI = "mongodb://";

getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND means client was not able to connect to the given address. Please try with the above address.

I hope this helps.


You just missed specifying the port number as shown:

  var dbURI = "mongodb://localhost:27017/thenDBname"

Make sure to change localhost while hosting on production server.

The Heroku environment variable that gets created for an mLab add-on is called MONGODB_URI (MONGOLAB_URI may be a legacy thing).

So I'm not sure what part of this process fixed the issue but I completely removed/deleted the mongolab addon from Heroku. Then I added it back on and performed the same exact steps with the same code and it worked!

Thanks for everyone who was helping out!

This looks correct. I've seen this error (a lot) before as well. The 'undefined undefined' I believe is referring to your environment variables being undefined. Try console logging your environment variables to make sure they're valid.

The Heroku environment variable that gets created for an mLab add-on is called MONGODB_URI (MONGOLAB_URI may be a legacy thing). (pneumee)

This solved the problem for me.
