svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs keeps padding revision

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-05 07:19:14

I had the same problem with empty revisions being already included in the repository. Since Subversion 1.7 there is a still undocumented switch which allows to filter all empty revisions.

svndumpfilter --drop-all-empty-revs include / < oldrepos.dump > newrepos.dump

More information can be found at grokbase.

After hours of tests, reading the svndumpfilter source code (which is very well commented, well done!), I realize that these empty revisions don't come from my filtering.

They are already lying in my original dump and date from 2005.

Conclusion : Check your data first!!

I can't be sure about your situation, but in my case, it WAS the filtering that caused thousands of those padding messages to show up in the log. I resolved it by including these two switches:

--drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs

The second switch makes it so that if your filter, for example, included rev 1000-1200, but then excluded 1201-5000, the next rev it includes will be numbered 1201, not 5001 which would cause the creation of few thousand empty padding revs.
