Problems while reproducing Sankey chart example with d3_sankey

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-05 03:28:53

I've experienced the same issues. The solution for me was to upgrade rCharts :

devtools::install_github("rCharts", "ramnathv")

Second, I didn't include the sankeyPlot$setTemplate() line.

Finally, the path in $setLib() should be a direct path (as discribed in the solution of @adomasb or the following line can be used to link directly to the original github:


A downside of this last approach is that internet is always required to run the script.

Alright, eventually it works as it should be.

I just rebooted my system and that's it. However, if anyone would come up with same problem, just be sure you specify direct path, where you placed all necessary files for d3_sankey. Therefore, you rather use sankeyPlot$setLib('C:/Users/adomas/Documents/R/win-library/3.0/rCharts/libraries/widgets/d3_sankey')

This is wonderful chart type. Good luck!
