I am in the progress to migrate a Jerset 1.x client project to Jersey 2.0.
I found that GZIPContentEncodingFilter
does not exist any longer. Is there something similar?
I stumbled over GZIPEncoder
but am not sure how to plug it in.
In Jersey 1.17 I use:
WebResource r = ...
r.register(new GZIPContentEncodingFilter());
In Jersey 2.0 I search for somethink like:
WebTarget r = ...
r.register(new GZIPContentEncodingFilter());
WebTarget r = ...
Most of details can be obtained from Jersey's own unit tests. So to allow responses to be compressed using GZip or Deflate algorighms (in cost of increased CPU load and latency) you should use:
WebResource r = ...
r.register(EncodingFilter.class); // Allow to process encodings
See configure method in Jersey v2.x encoding unit test: EncodingTest
Anotate method with @GZIP , It internally uses GZIP Encoder and remove GZIPContentEncodingFilter from web.xml that solves problem
In Jersey 2.x (I use 2.26):
WebTarget target = ...
I did not have to include EncodingFilter/DeflateEncoder.