Binning longitude/latitude labeled data by census block ID

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-04 21:24:20
#Load libraries

First, a few improvements to your code above

#Set my wd

#Load crime data
my_crime <- read.csv(file='spat_aggreg/Crimes_2001_to_present.csv',stringsAsFactors=F)`
my_crime$Primary.Type <- tolower(my_crime$Primary.Type)

#Select variables of interest and subset by year and type of crime
#Note, yearReduce() not necessary at all: check R documentation before creating own functions
my_crime <- data.frame(year=my_crime$Year, community=my_crime$Community.Area, 
         type=my_crime$Primary.Type, arrest=my_crime$Arrest, 
         latitude=my_crime$Latitude, longitude=my_crime$Longitude)
vc <- subset(my_crime, year==2010, type=="homicide")

#Keep only complete cases
vc <- vc[complete.cases(vc), ]

#Load census tract data
#Note: function `shapefile` is a neater than `readOGR()`
#Note: The usage of `@` to access attribute data tables associated with spatial objects in R
tract <- shapefile('spat_aggreg/census_blocks_2000/Census_Blocks.shp')
tract <- spTransform(x=tract, CRSobj=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
names(tract@data) <- tolower(names(tract@data))

And now, to answer your question...

#Convert crime data to a spatial points object
vc <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=vc[, c("longitude", "latitude")],
          data=vc[, c("year", "community", "type", "arrest")],
          proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

#Each row entry represents one homicide, so, add count column
vc@data$count <- 1

#Spatial overlay to identify census polygon in which each crime point falls
#The Result `vc_tract` is a dataframe with the tract data for each point
vc_tract <- over(x=vc, y=tract)

#Add tract data to crimePoints
vc@data <- data.frame(vc@data, vc_tract)

#Aggregate homicides by tract (assuming the column "census_tra" is the unique ID for census tracts)
hom_tract <- aggregate(formula=count~census_tra, data=vc@data, FUN=length)

#Add number of homicides to tracts object
m <- match(x=tract@data$census_tra, table=hom_tract$census_tra)
tract@data$homs_2010 <- hom_tract$count[m]

Now, your census tracts (in the spatialPolygonDataframe object named tract) contain a column named homs_2010 that has the number of homicides for each tract. From there, it should be a breeze to map it.
