How to perform Other app list item click using accessibility service like Voice Access app?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-04 21:19:05


I got solution for this problem by myself. Here AccessibilityNodeInfo always doesn't return complete list or list size. It returns VIEWs. It may be TextView, Button etc... Every View has multiple methods like getText(), getContentDescription(), getClassName(), getChildCount(), getViewIdResourceName() etc... here Voice Access app detecting all views and giving them some numbers. For lists, using getChildCount() method in for loop we can getChildViews/listItems. Ex:

AccessibilityNodeInfo node = getRootInActiveWindow();
if(node != null) {
   for(int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++){
      AccessibilityNodeInfo childNode = node.getChild(i);
      if(childNode != null){
        Log.i("childNode", "-----getText->"+childNode.getText()+"---getContentDescription-->"+childNode.getContentDescription() );

use getText() and getContentDescription() methods to know text of textview, button, checkbox.

getClassName() method retuns the view type like TextView, Button, ImageView, CheckBox etc...
