On my website, which is loaded in the webview, there is a map. There are also java scripts that detects double tap for zoom, dragging etc. But is it possible to have a javascript that detects the use of pinch zoom ? there are several examples of it working on an iphone, and on my website there is a script for the pinch zoom but it is only working on iphone.....
Is it possible to get it to work on Android ?
There's an open-source library called android-pinch that you can include in your project to enable pinch zoom if you switch your WebView
to a WebImageView
. Here's an example of usage...
// create the WebImageView object from xml
WebImageView img = (WebImageView) findViewById(R.id.main_pic);
// fetches the image in a background thread
// enable pinch-zoom abilities on the image
new PinchImageView(img);
When you would like to scale web content in you WebView and enable pinch and zoom, I prefer the simple android way.
and you can even hide the controls if you are using API 11 or higher
It's not exactly in a webview, but in any layout, that I wrote a piece of code for detecting pinch in an Android view.
It took me days to find out a solution for this, so I made my own custom pinch gesture detector.
You can see it in Github: http://github.com/luisfer/Neckar
Hope it helps.
This excellent tutorial shows how to implement the Pinch gesture.