Failing to do fitting with non linear fitting methods (nlsLM, nlxb and wrapnls)

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-04 20:07:04

Use nls2 from the nls2 package after nlxb like this (assuming data_rep, formula, d_step, f and d from the question). In order to make the example minimal we have eliminated dplyr and just show the computation for set == 2.


data_rep2 <- subset(data_rep, set == 2)

fit.nlxb <- nlxb(formula , data = data_rep2,
                start = c(d_ave = 44, sigma = 12, Ps = 0.5),
                lower = c(d_ave = 25, sigma = 2, Ps = 0.5),
                upper = c(d_ave = 60, sigma = 15, Ps = 1))

fit.nls <- nls2(formula, data = data_rep2, start = fit.nlxb$coefficients,
  algorithm = "brute-force")

identical(fit.nlxb$coefficients, coef(fit.nls))
## [1] TRUE

fit.nls is an "nls" class object with the same coefficients as fit.nlxb and we can use fitted() and predict() and all the other "nls" methods on it.
