Whither NetTiers?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-04 14:13:38

I'm currently supporting a large NetTiers application and my experience has generally been one of frustration. I inherited the project and took over maintenance of the templates, fixing a number of bugs in the templates and applying some post-generation scripts to the generated files. IMHO the generated code is overly verbose, suffers from massive duplication, and would benefit from more use of generics. The templates I'm working with didn't dispose of resources correctly (the newer template versions may be better). At one point I considered upgrading to a newer version but the size of the exercise put me off. Useful documentation is difficult to find and getting answers to NetTiers questions is not straight forward. The overall impression I have is one of gradual decline.

If you're just after a simple .Net stack for generating a UI from a SQL database I suggest you take a look at ASP.NET MVC3 with MvcScaffolding and Entity Framework. Add AutoMapper and Munq for DI.

We have been using NetTiers for several years now. I think it tend to look overwhelming for first time users, in terms of quantity of stuff generated, and there are a couple of limitations around the DeepLoad functionallity and circularities. I too have the feeling that there have not been many updates lately, but in the overall I've had a great experience using Nettiers with codesmith, and from all the ones I've tried, it's clearly our favorite, with huge productivity gains. We use views, custom sp's, the indexes, etc.

In a comment to another reply: We've tried Automapper, and moved away from it due to the fact that it fails silently when the object's structures change. And moved away from Entity Framework because we don't like hand-coding our DALs. :)
