
What is the maximum possible IPC can be achieved by Intel Nehalem Microarchitecture?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-07 18:04:51
问题 Is there an estimation for the maximum Instructions Per Cycle achievable by the Intel Nehalem Architecture? Also, what is the bottleneck that effects the maximum Instructions Per Cycle? 回答1: TL:DR : Intel Core, Nehalem, and Sandybridge / IvyBridge: a maximum of 5 IPC, including 1 macro-fused cmp+branch to get 5 instructions into 4 fused-domain uops, and the rest being single-uop instruction. (up to 2 of these can be micro-fused store or load+ALU.) Haswell up to 9th Gens: a maximum of 6

What is the maximum possible IPC can be achieved by Intel Nehalem Microarchitecture?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-06 01:26:28
Is there an estimation for the maximum Instructions Per Cycle achievable by the Intel Nehalem Architecture? Also, what is the bottleneck that effects the maximum Instructions Per Cycle? TL:DR : Intel Core, Nehalem, and Sandybridge / IvyBridge: a maximum of 5 IPC, including 1 macro-fused cmp+branch to get 5 instructions into 4 fused-domain uops, and the rest being single-uop instruction. (up to 2 of these can be micro-fused store or load+ALU.) Haswell up to 9th Gens: a maximum of 6 instructions per cycle can be achieved using two pairs of macro-fusable ALU+branch instructions and two