F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove
问题 I'm migrating a Delphi 2 project to RAD Studio XE2. When I try to compile I get [DCC Fatal Error] MyUnit.pas(9): F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove at the following row: unit MyUnit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, DB, DBTables, TB97, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, Vcl.Mask, JvExMask, Vcl.DBLookup, JvToolEdit, {<-- error here} TB97Ctls; {...} I tried uninstalling