
F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-03 03:07:06
问题 I'm migrating a Delphi 2 project to RAD Studio XE2. When I try to compile I get [DCC Fatal Error] MyUnit.pas(9): F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove at the following row: unit MyUnit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, DB, DBTables, TB97, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, Vcl.Mask, JvExMask, Vcl.DBLookup, JvToolEdit, {<-- error here} TB97Ctls; {...} I tried uninstalling

JEDI JCL Compression library wont open spanned archive files

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-23 07:08:58
问题 Summary: I am having trouble to get the JCL compression library to open any spanned archives. It presents the error "(0000001) Incorrect Function" as defined in borlands 'windows.pas'; scenerios: A single archive compressed using the JCL compression example. -Will uncompress in both the JCL example and the 7zip gui. A spanned archive over 7 files compressed using the JCL compression example. -Will uncompress in only the 7zip gui. Fails to uncompress using JCL example. A single archive

How to use JEDI TJCLHashMap classes?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-22 10:38:06
问题 I'm trying to use TJCLHashMap family of classes, but apparently this class has no useful public methods. All methods are "protected". How to use this class? Although JCL comes with some samples, I seem to miss something. A basic example would be great. 回答1: You should use the interfaces declared in JclContainerIntf.pas. The classes in JclHashMaps implement those interfaces. Take a look at jcl\examples\common\containers\hashing\HashingExample.dpr for a few examples (integer, strings, objects,

Error in JCL installation into Delphi 10 Seattle

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-08 21:27:48
问题 I am trying to install JCL/JVCL into Delphi-10-Seattle I got the following Error: Using Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 30.0... E:\Delphi-10\Jedi\jcl\source\common\JclSysUtils.pas(3034) Error: E2010 Incompatible types: 'TJclWaitResult' and 'TWaitResult' JclInstall.pas(2264) Fatal: F2063 Could not compile used unit 'JclSysUtils.pas' Line 3034 in 'JclSysUtils.pas' is: if (ProcessEvent.WaitForever = {$IFDEF RTL280_UP}TJclWaitResult.{$ENDIF RTL280

Using DwmIsCompositionEnabled (JwaDwmApi) on pre-vista causes error

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-08 12:24:36
问题 Been trying to use the following code in order to check if Windows Aero is enabled: function AeroEnabled: boolean; var enabled: bool; begin // Function from the JwaDwmapi unit (JEDI Windows Api Library) DwmIsCompositionEnabled(enabled); Result := enabled; end; ... if (CheckWin32Version(5,4)) and (AeroEnabled) then CampaignTabs.ColorBackground := clBlack else begin GlassFrame.Enabled := False; CampaignTabs.ColorBackground := clWhite; end; However, doing so on a pre-vista machine causes the app

F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-07 11:32:23
I'm migrating a Delphi 2 project to RAD Studio XE2. When I try to compile I get [DCC Fatal Error] MyUnit.pas(9): F2051 Unit JclUnitVersioning was compiled with a different version of System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Remove at the following row: unit MyUnit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, DB, DBTables, TB97, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, Vcl.Mask, JvExMask, Vcl.DBLookup, JvToolEdit, {<-- error here} TB97Ctls; {...} I tried uninstalling and reinstalling RAD Studio, JCL and JVCL, but nothing changes. Update Was using the binary Jedi

How to use JEDI TJCLHashMap classes?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-06 03:11:17
I'm trying to use TJCLHashMap family of classes, but apparently this class has no useful public methods. All methods are "protected". How to use this class? Although JCL comes with some samples, I seem to miss something. A basic example would be great. You should use the interfaces declared in JclContainerIntf.pas. The classes in JclHashMaps implement those interfaces. Take a look at jcl\examples\common\containers\hashing\HashingExample.dpr for a few examples (integer, strings, objects, etc.) Extend it and add public methods that call the protected methods internally? 来源: https://stackoverflow


一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-04 12:02:43
问题 The JCL library have an conditional define UNITVERSIONING. I don't know why this option exists and don't know how to use this. I know that there are a unit called JclUnitVersioning.pas, but can't find a use. Where to use this in a real word project? 回答1: It supports the JclUnitVersioning unit, which exposes the constants like these in a more coherent way: {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL:

Access JCL Debug information contained in executable?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-01 09:34:09
Is there a way to access the Jedi Debug Information (JDBG) contained in an executable? Microsoft debugging tools have pointed me to a stack chain in my binary, and i want to know what methods/procedures/functions these offsets correspond to: user32.dll!SendMessageA+0x4c StackOverflow.exe+0x179263 StackOverflow.exe+0x2315b5 StackOverflow.exe+0x1fc82 StackOverflow.exe+0x50388 StackOverflow.exe+0x541fe user32.dll!gapfnScSendMessage+0x332 Obviously i'm calling SendMessage , but i don't know from where. The executable was built with Jcl Debug info embedded in the executable; but i can't figure out

Access JCL Debug information contained in executable?

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-01 07:15:27
问题 Is there a way to access the Jedi Debug Information (JDBG) contained in an executable? Microsoft debugging tools have pointed me to a stack chain in my binary, and i want to know what methods/procedures/functions these offsets correspond to: user32.dll!SendMessageA+0x4c StackOverflow.exe+0x179263 StackOverflow.exe+0x2315b5 StackOverflow.exe+0x1fc82 StackOverflow.exe+0x50388 StackOverflow.exe+0x541fe user32.dll!gapfnScSendMessage+0x332 Obviously i'm calling SendMessage , but i don't know from