Webkitdotnet unable to load https site

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-04 13:09:23

This is a bit of a hack, but you can make webkitdotnet ingore peer ssl errors. WebKitDotNet uses WebKit, which, in turn uses curl, which is responsible for your wonderful ssl error there. curl exposes an option to ignore ssl errors, but neither webkit nor webkitdotnet seem to expose this functionality in their api. However, if you checkout the webkit source code, webkit sets the curl option (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER) to false if the value of the environment variable WEBKIT_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS is set to true.

What this all boils down to is that if you set the environment variable in code before initializing either webkit or webkitdotnet components, webkit will ignore the bad certificate and allow you to navigate to the site (sort of like clicking Proceed Anyway on IE9's Bad Certificate Warning page).




Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("WEBKIT_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS", "1");

If anyone is interested, the webkit source code referenced is in file webkit\Source\WebCore\platform\network\curl\ResourceHandleManager.cpp at lines 65 and 681, currently.

After long googling I finally ended up purchasing a SSL certificate for my domain and now all is fine. Also, a good to note is that Webkit is the easiest to work with and allows for DOM access and manipulation.

I tried the code below and works for me.

webkitBrowser.Preferences.IgnoreSSLErrors = true;