I like to use a PPTP VPN in the Android emulator. My VPN provider is Witopia. The settings work on a real phone (HTC Desire).
It does not work, the connection just times out after a while.
adb logcat prints:
D/VpnManager( 1527): succeeded to connect to VPN service
D/com.android.settings.vpn.AuthenticationActor( 1527): ~~~~~~ connect() succeeded!
I/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): Stop VPN daemon: mtpd
D/VpnSettings( 1527): received connectivity: Witopia: connected? CONNECTING err=0
D/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): mtpd is stopped after 0 msec
D/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): stopping mtpd, success? true
I/SProxy_racoon( 2211): Stop VPN daemon: racoon
D/SProxy_racoon( 2211): racoon is stopped after 0 msec
D/SProxy_racoon( 2211): stopping racoon, success? true
D/VpnService( 2211): Local IP:, if: eth0
D/VpnService( 2211): VPN UP: down
I/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): Start VPN daemon: mtpd
D/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): mtpd is running after 0 msec
D/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): service not yet listen()ing; try again
D/mtpd ( 2224): Waiting for control socket
D/mtpd ( 2224): Received 19 arguments
I/mtpd ( 2224): Using protocol pptp
I/mtpd ( 2224): Connecting to port 1723
I/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): got data from control socket: 19
I/mtpd ( 2224): Connection established (socket = 10)
D/mtpd ( 2224): Sending SCCRQ
D/mtpd ( 2224): Received SCCRP -> Sending OCRQ (local = 32087)
I/mtpd ( 2224): Tunnel established
D/mtpd ( 2224): Received OCRQ (remote = 52286)
I/mtpd ( 2224): Session established
I/mtpd ( 2224): Creating PPPoX socket
F/mtpd ( 2224): Socket() Address family not supported by protocol
Followed by the user message: Unable to connect to the network. Do you want to try again?
Meanwhile in adb logcat
E/VpnService( 2211): onError()
E/VpnService( 2211): java.io.IOException: Connecting timed out
E/VpnService( 2211): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.waitUntilConnectedOrTimedout(VpnService.java:206)
E/VpnService( 2211): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.onConnect(VpnService.java:136)
E/VpnService( 2211): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnServiceBinder$2.run(VpnServiceBinder.java:114)
E/VpnService( 2211): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)
I/VpnService( 2211): disconnecting VPN...
D/VpnSettings( 1527): received connectivity: Witopia: connected? DISCONNECTING err=0
I/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): Stop VPN daemon: mtpd
D/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): mtpd is stopped after 0 msec
D/SProxy_mtpd( 2211): stopping mtpd, success? true
I/SProxy_racoon( 2211): Stop VPN daemon: racoon
D/SProxy_racoon( 2211): racoon is stopped after 0 msec
D/SProxy_racoon( 2211): stopping racoon, success? true
D/VpnService( 2211): onFinalCleanUp()
I/VpnService( 2211): restore original suffices --> null
D/VpnSettings( 1527): received connectivity: Witopia: connected? IDLE err=101
I guess this is either a permission problem or the Android emulator does not support it.
My platform is MacOSX, Emulator is running Android 2.2.
This question is related to:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3223344/does-vpn-in-the-android-emulator-2-2-work
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3442865/setting-up-a-vpn-in-the-emulator
- will android emulator access a network using a vpn on the host machine
yes it is like kernal issue:
- No tun.ko module (see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=630703&page=2)
- No support lkm (loadable kernel module) (http://code.google.com/p/get-a-robot-vpnc/issues/detail?id=100)
So I think you need custom kernel http://code.google.com/p/batterymine/wiki/BuildingInModuleSupport
Also you will need copy to emulator other modules: slhc.ko, ppp*.ko
I had the same problem with a 2.2 emulator. I switched to a 4.2 emulator and it is working fine through the VPN.