Code Deploy ApplicationStart gets stuck on pending using node

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 11:21:39

The command node /app.js does not run in background but in foreground, therefor the script is never finished.

See this thread for more info about running node in background Node.js as a background service

The CodeDeploy agent is waiting for the script it launched to return an exit code and to close stdout and stderr. To start a process in the background and detach it from the host agent so it can run as a daemon, try:

node /app.js > /dev/null 2> /dev/null < /dev/null &

Note: you'll want to modify your program to write to a log file instead of the console, since daemons usually don't have a console to write to (as it is in this version).

See the official docs here:
