React Pass function to child component

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-04 10:22:09

Instead of having to bind your function in the constructor of the parent Class, you can use an arrow function to define your method so it is lexically bound using an arrow function

class Child extends Component {
    render() {
        <div onClick={this.props.passedFunction}></div>

class Parent extends Component {
    passedFunction = () => {}
    render() {
      <Child passedFunction={this.passedFunction}/>

You are missing bind on the Child component.


I found out what was wrong. It was because of react-grid-layout. I have to pass the rest of the properties to child.

class Child extends Component {
    render() {
        var { passedFunction, ...otherProps } = this.props;
        return (
            <div onClick={passedFunction} {...otherProps}></div>

If you can bind this function like this it will works

class Parent extends Component {
   passedFunction = () => {};
   render() {
   <Child passedFunction={this.passedFunction} />;

class Child extends Component {
   render() {
   <div onClick={this.props.passedFunction} />;