I am new to spacy and I want to use its lemmatizer function, but I don't know how to use it, like I into strings of word, which will return the string with the basic form the words.
- 'words'=> 'word'
- 'did' => 'do'
Thank you.
Previous answer is convoluted and can't be edited, so here's a more conventional one.
# make sure your downloaded the english model with "python -m spacy download en"
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
doc = nlp(u"Apples and oranges are similar. Boots and hippos aren't.")
for token in doc:
print(token, token.lemma, token.lemma_)
Apples 6617 apples
and 512 and
oranges 7024 orange
are 536 be
similar 1447 similar
. 453 .
Boots 4622 boot
and 512 and
hippos 98365 hippo
are 536 be
n't 538 not
. 453 .
From the official Lighting tour
Code :
import os
from spacy.en import English, LOCAL_DATA_DIR
data_dir = os.environ.get('SPACY_DATA', LOCAL_DATA_DIR)
nlp = English(data_dir=data_dir)
doc3 = nlp(u"this is spacy lemmatize testing. programming books are more better than others")
for token in doc3:
print token, token.lemma, token.lemma_
Output :
this 496 this
is 488 be
spacy 173779 spacy
lemmatize 1510965 lemmatize
testing 2900 testing
. 419 .
programming 3408 programming
books 1011 book
are 488 be
more 529 more
better 615 better
than 555 than
others 871 others
Example Ref: here
If you want to use just the Lemmatizer. You can do that in following way.
from spacy.lemmatizer import Lemmatizer
from spacy.lang.en import LEMMA_INDEX, LEMMA_EXC, LEMMA_RULES
lemmatizer = Lemmatizer(LEMMA_INDEX, LEMMA_EXC, LEMMA_RULES)
lemmas = lemmatizer(u'ducks', u'NOUN')