i am new in mongodb. i am creating free database using mongolab. my database name is enron. connecting to mongo database using online mongoshell then error occure.
mongo ds033499.mongolab.com:33499/enron -u user -p user123
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
I had this problem and found that mongod.exe was interfering and wouldn't let me connect remotely. Without mongod.exe running, the mongo.exe wouldn't open from windows, so you have to goto the mongo/bin directory in the cmd prompt and THEN run your remote connection syntax there and it will work.
Your Syntax is OK. this syntax is for linux shell and didn't work when you are inside mongo shell. you can not connect to remote mongo instance when you are inside mongo shell. perhaps you are trying online shell like this and it is just as you are inside mongoshell:
you can connect to instance using linux shell with same syntax, or if you are a windows users you must have mongo administrative shell installed on you windows machines which comes with mongo setup for windows. or you can use GUI tool like Robomongo or Mongo VUE just to access mongo instance.
Or in Windows go to your mongo bin directory and type > mongo.exe --host ipofremote --port 27017
Please try the following command
mongo -u admin -p tQp93-a29J --host servicedelivered.rhcloud.com --port 28015 --nodb
so now you are connecting to the remote host and switch to the database that you would like to use