how do you mock an xml for unit testing?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-04 06:38:00

You can just create the element you want to test with, w/o reading a file at all:

var doc = new XmlDocument();
var myTestElement = doc.DocumentElement;
myTestElement.Attributes["employeeNo"] = "fakeId";

var response = myTestResponder.GetData(myTestElement);

//assert whatever you need to

NOTE: every time you find out that the test is too hard to write, usually this means that your class/method does too much.

I would assume, that your method verifies the input, than does something with the data provided. I would suggest that you abstract the data reading part (using some xml deserializer) to populate the data model you need for your application.

Then run validation on the result of the deserialized data. Something like:

public MessageResponse GetData(XmlElement requestElement)
   var data = _xmlDeserializer.Deserialize(requestElement);
   var validationResult = _validator.Validate(data);
    if (validationResult.Errors.Count > 0)
         //populate errors
        return result;


Take a look at FluentValidation for a nice validation library.

If you go the above route, then your tests will be much simpler.

public void GetData_Returns_Correct_Message_When_EmployeeNo_Is_Null()
    var inputWithoutEmployeeNo = GetElement(@"<input></input>");

    var actual = GetData(inputWithoutEmployeeNo);

    Assert.IsTrue(actual.Error, "Error should be true when employee no. is missing");
    Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Messages.Count);
    Assert.AreEqual("Attribute employeeNo is missing", actual.Messages[0]);

private XmlElement GetElement(string xml)
    var doc = new XmlDocument();
    return doc.DocumentElement;

While working on the unit test, I found out that the code throws a NullReferenceException. The following unit test demonstrates the issue:

public void GetData_Throws_NullReferenceException_When_EmployeeNo_Is_Not_Null_And_XmlEmployeeName_Is_Null()
    var inputWithoutEmployeeNo = GetElement(@"<input employeeNo='123'></input>");
