I have been struggling for a while with this one. So I wrote a .specs file for my project and everything went fine. The rpm is built, the installation is smooth... but then I got some trouble because now, I have to use a custom global environment variable to set the install path.
This would give a %files section as such :
Where Crystal is my project name, and INSTALLPATH is defined within env thanks to the export commandline. Then, when running buildrpm -ba Crystal.specs I have the following error:
error: File must begin with "/" : $INSTALLPATH/Crystal/bin/Crystal.jar
I have tried to define a macro inside the .rpmmacros file as such : %_installpath $INSTALLPATH
And in my specs file, when i do echo %{_installpath} I get the value I set in the .rpmmacros. But if I use it in %files:
I get the same error again!
error: File must begin with "/" : $INSTALLPATH/Crystal/bin/Crystal.jar
I also tried defining a variable with the specs file and I have the same sad result. It looks like as long as my variable/macro is referencing to $INSTALL, then %files won't accept it. But I have to use this env variable!
So that's all I could think about. Anyone got a clue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance!
The %files
section does not expand shell variables. You cannot do this that way.
You have a couple options that I can see offhand. You can
generate a file with a list of your files (during
or what-have-you) and then use%files -f files.lst
at rpm macro definition time with:# For RPM >= 4.7.0 %_installpath %{getenv:INSTALLPATH} # For RPM < 4.7.0 %_installpath %{lua:print(os.getenv("INSTALLPATH"))}