I am trying to share a case class between server and client. I am using upickle on both ends. The objects and their data are nicely available on both ends.
shared class
case class Foo(var id : Long,var title: Description)
However i need to export the fields of the case class on the client side. I could add the @ExportAll
annotation, but that means pulling in the scalajs libraries on the server project.
Is there perhaps a better way of exposing the members id and title to the javascript.
The right way to export things to JavaScript is to use the @JSExportAll
annotation. You cannot, and should not, pull the Scala.js libraries on the server project, though. For this use case, we have a dedicated JVM artifact, scalajs-stubs
, which you can add to your JVM project like this:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-js" %% "scalajs-stubs" % scalaJSVersion % "provided"
As a "provided" dependency, it will not be present at runtime. But it will allow you to compile the JVM project even though it references JSExportAll
See also the ScalaDoc of scalajs-stubs.