How do you organise your ATG projects?

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-04 03:06:59

We have a monolithic architecture with a single ATG module. We originally developed this site with JHTML and have since created a (monolithic) J2EE web app within this ATG module and converted all of our JHTML to JSP.

Our project on disk looks like this:

    class (compile java to here)
    config (primary configpath)
    docroot (JHTML docroot)
    dev (configpath for dev environment)
    test (configpath for QA environment)
    prod (configpath for prod environment)
  j2ee (j2ee web-app)
    dir-a (application JSPs)
    dir-b (application JSPs)
    java (java src)
    sql (sql src)

We have an Ant build file that compiles the Java source to deploy/class. On dev/test and prod JAR up. We have a single build server that checks out the CVS repository and uses shell scripts and the build.xml to compile and deploy to the requested server using Interwoven OpenDeploy (essentially rsync).

Most structures look like the ones mentioned above with minor changes. We use MAVEN to build and deploy.

Here is the layout that we use:

 src (java src)
 test/src (unit test)
 build (directory created by ant)
 buildlib (libraries used for building)
 install (holds items used for different IDE)
 lib (libraries used by the application)
   install (tables, indexes etc)
   setup (create tablespace, users etc)
   delta (changes during development)

Very similar to the above (no Maven). Plus the groovy directory - we use lot of groovy scripts for deployment/building related task (Ant in combination with Antbuilder)
