Differences between Storable and Unboxed Vectors

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-04 02:49:14

Cribbed from https://haskell-lang.org/library/vector

Storable and unboxed vectors both store their data in a byte array, avoiding pointer indirection. This is more memory efficient and allows better usage of caches. The distinction between storable and unboxed vectors is subtle:

  • Storable vectors require data which is an instance of the Storable type class. This data is stored in malloced memory, which is pinned (the garbage collector can't move it around). This can lead to memory fragmentation, but allows the data to be shared over the C FFI.
  • Unboxed vectors require data which is an instance of the Prim type class. This data is stored in GC-managed unpinned memory, which helps avoid memory fragmentation. However, this data cannot be shared over the C FFI.

Both the Storable and Prim typeclasses provide a way to store a value as bytes, and to load bytes into a value. The distinction is what type of bytearray is used.

As usual, the only true measure of performance will be benchmarking. However, as a general guideline:

  • If you don't need to pass values to a C FFI, and you have a Prim instance, use unboxed vectors.
  • If you have a Storable instance, use a storable vector.
  • Otherwise, use a boxed vector.

There are also other issues to consider, such as the fact that boxed vectors are instances of Functor while storable and unboxed vectors are not.
