I am trying to add an 'id' primary key column to an already existing MySQL table using alembic. I tried the following...
op.add_column('mytable', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False))
op.alter_column('mytable', 'id', autoincrement=True, existing_type=sa.Integer(), existing_server_default=False, existing_nullable=False)
but got the following error
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1075, 'Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key') 'ALTER TABLE mytable CHANGE id id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT' ()
looks like the sql statement generated by alembic did not add PRIMARY KEY
at the end of the alter statement. Could I have missed some settings?
Thanks in advance!
I spent some time digging through the alembic source code, and this doesn't seem to be supported. You can specify primary keys when creating a table, but not when adding columns. In fact, it specifically checks and won't let you (link to source):
# from alembic.operations.toimpl.add_column, line 132
for constraint in t.constraints:
if not isinstance(constraint, sa_schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint):
I looked around, and adding a primary key to an existing table may result in unspecified behavior - primary keys aren't supposed to be null, so your engine may or may not create primary keys for existing rows. See this SO discussion for more info: Insert auto increment primary key to existing table
I'd just run the alter query directly, and create primary keys if you need to.
If you really need cross-engine compatibility, the big hammer would be to (1) create a new table identical to the old one with a primary key, (2) migrate all your data, (3)delete the old table and (4) rename the new table.
Hope that helps.