Resharper and TortoiseSVN

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-04 00:07:39

TortoiseSVN 1.5 has a neat hidden feature on the check in window:

Select a missing file and a new file and right-click. One of the options will be "fix move".

I tend to refactor away, and then use this to fix any files where the name has changed.

You should really check the Free as in Beer option of AnkhSVN. They made some major improvements in v2.x and I don't feel penalized anymore when doing ReSharper refactoring-ninja moves inside Visual Studio.

I find VisualSVN to be well worth the money. There are ways to do it with Tortoise, but the integration of VisualSVN is very nice. I had tried over VS-integration tools before like Ankh and was not impressed. V-SVN has really upped the level of interaction with the repository from the IDE.

The quick trick in TortoiseSVN to fix the move sounds pretty nice as well, I need to try that out.

Another bonus: I've yet to "forgot" to add a file to the repository since I got Visual SVN.

Time to branch your repository. That's the nice part about version control, you can create new branches without totaling the old ones.
