Kotlin: how to pass array to Java annotation

你。 提交于 2019-12-03 22:46:54

The value parameter is automatically converted to a vararg parameter in Kotlin, as described in http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/annotations.html#java-annotations.

The correct syntax for this particular case is @OneOf("m", "f")

In Kotlin 1.2, it supports array literal in annotation. So the below syntax becomes valid in Kotlin 1.2:

@OneOf(value = ["m", "f"])

As an example from Kotlin docs

@AnnWithArrayMethod(names = arrayOf("abc", "foo", "bar")) class C

Example of annotation parameters other than value. Non-literals can also be passed inside []

@RequestMapping(value = "/{isbn}", method=[RequestMethod.GET])
fun getBook(@PathVariable isbn: String) : Book = bookRepository.findBookByIsbn(isbn)