Indesign CS6 Scripting - Exporting images

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-03 21:21:52
Loic Aigon

The file name isn't located on the rectangle but on the link related to the placed graphic. This should do what you want given an open document:


function test() {

    var myDoc = app.activeDocument, apis = myDoc.allPageItems, rect, fileName;

    while ( rect = apis.pop() )
        if ( !(rect instanceof Rectangle) || ![0].isValid ){ continue; }

        fileName = File ([0].itemLink.filePath ).name;
        fileName = fileName.replace( /\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i, '.jpg' );

        app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 300;
        app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.MAXIMUM;

        //give it a unique name
        var myFile = new File (Folder.desktop+"/"+ fileName);

        rect.exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, myFile);

Just adding my verbose version of this, which works from the current selection in InDesign and provides console feedback. It renames the images with the prefix "crop_" and saves them to ~/temp


function exportSelectedImages() {
    // configure export settings
    app.jpegExportPreferences.exportResolution = 72;
    app.jpegExportPreferences.jpegQuality = JPEGOptionsQuality.HIGH;

    // collect selected objects
    var selected = app.activeDocument.selection;
    $.writeln("Got " + selected.length + " selected objects...");

    // process selected objects
    for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
        var cursor = selected[i];
        var img = cursor.images;

        $.writeln("Processing #" + (i+1) + "/" + selected.length);
        $.writeln("\t Type: " +;

        // verify if object contains an image or not
        if (cursor.images.length > 0) {     
            var img = cursor.images[0];
            $.writeln("\t Contains image of type " + img.imageTypeName);
            var imageFileName = cursor.images[0];
            $.writeln("\t File Name: " + imageFileName);
        } else {
            $.writeln("\t Not an image");

        // save the object to a jpeg in path specified below
        var myFile = new File('~/temp/' + "crop_" + imageFileName + '.jpg');
        cursor.exportFile(ExportFormat.JPG, myFile);

