Is it possible to use a variable for the `[Display(Name=“Something”)]` data annotation in MVC3 (C#)

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-03 16:42:09

If you have your translated property names in Resource Files, that is supported out of the box... no need to extend the framework.

Just use:

[Display(Name = "Resource_Key", ResourceType = typeof(DataFieldLabels))]
public string myProperty { get; set; }

Where the "Resource_Key" is the key in your resource files... and the "DataFieldLabels" is the name of your base resource file.


In order to access resource files dynamically you can do:

ResourceSet resset = ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(culture, true, false);
var translated = resset.GetString("myToken")

DataAnnotations param values require constants, i.e. actual strings.

You can only assign constants.

You can do an extension and assign keyValues there and then the extension fetches from somewhere else, like a database or a resource file or a webservice or whatever.

You may want to check Hanselman's post regarding internationalization. Maybe it could help

[Display(Name = "strResourceString", ResourceType = typeof(Resourcefile.strResourceString))]