Symfony 2 basic GET form generated URL

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-03 13:38:58


I have been trying to create an extremely basic symfony form (used for search functionality) with only one input. It uses GET method on submit. It seems to work as expected, however it generates an extremely ugly and unnecessarily long URL. I have been trying to 'clean' the URL up for a quite a while now, I was wondering if someone ran into the same problem and knows how to fix it?


$form = $this->createFormBuilder($search)
            ->add('q', 'text')
            ->add('search', 'submit')

On submit the form generates the following URL:


Desired URL:


Thanks in advance!


To create your desired URL, you will have to set the form name by using createNamedBuilder which you'll just leave blank ''. To remove _token you need to set csrf_protection to false. Please look into csrf protection to make sure you know what could happen if it is turned off.

Changing your code to the following should give you the results you want.

$form = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamedBuilder('', 'form', $search, array(
            'csrf_protection' => false,
           ->add('q', 'text')
           ->add('search', 'submit')

This should produce a URL like:



If you want to get rid of &search=, one way would be to change search from submit to button.

->add('search', 'button')

This will require javascript to submit your form. Here is simple example in jquery:

//This assumes one form and one button

This will produce a URL like:


To access GET vars you put something like this in your controller:

public function yourSearchAction(Request $request)
    // your code ...


    if ($form->isValid()) {

        $getVars = $form->getData();

        $q = $getVars['q'];
        $page = $getVars['page'];
        $billing = $em

        //Do something


    return //your code


Just to clarify if you are adding page to your URL you will need to add it to your form:

->add('page', 'text') 


Old question but, for people who want to know, this does the job too (Symfony 2.8) :

// src/AppBundle/Form/SearchType.php
namespace AppBundle\Form;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

class SearchType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add('q', TextType::class)
            ->add('submit', SubmitType::class))

    public function getBlockPrefix(){
        return '';

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
            'csrf_protection' => false,

In your controller :

use AppBundle\Form\SearchType;
public function yourSearchAction(Request $request)
    $form = $this->createForm(SearchType::class);


    if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {

        $q = $form->get('q')->getData();
        // ...
    // ...

