Hudson git error ssh

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-03 12:44:35

You should setup a ssh trust relationship between your repo and the git server.

You only need to do this once.

In short it goes qs follows :

Log in as the user running hudson


use an empty password

This creates 2 files in .ssh : id_dsa and

cat .ssh/

Now copy the gibberish representing the public key.

ssh repo-server

Confirm you want to add the host key to known_hosts. Log in using the account accessing the repo.

cat - >>.ssh/authorized_keys

(double check you have 2 >'s or risk the wrath of your colleagues) Then paste the gibberish you just copied.

Log out and verify you can now ssh without having to provide a password.

This works for Unix based hosts. For github, gitosis, windows the process is similar, but of course different.

Hudson should now be able to connect.

Should that url be:



(Missing colon after the ".net")

If all should be right but it's strangly not working, make sure your project is rally build on the slave you configured.


You have to check the following:

  1. You are using ssh keys of the user who ran hudson daemon. For example, if user=hudson, then you should log on as hudson and generate ssh keys
  2. You have loaded your public key to your server (github, assembla) from correct .ssh/ file i.e. for the same user who ran hudson daemon
  3. You have added RSA fingerprint of your server to your .ssh/known_hosts file