I'm looking to do a bunch of distance queries in a simulation, and would prefer not to loop over all the points. (N**2 doesn't scale that well, it turns out).
Is there a solid k-d tree (or other ball tree, I suppose) implementation in javascript that anyone can recommend?
Here is another pretty good implementation that might prove useful (disclaimer - I am the author):
Here is a library that I wrote:
In Chrome, it is up to several orders of magnitude faster than Ubilabs' kdtree and supports a larger set of queries (orthogonal range query and bounding sphere). Here is a link to the benchmark results for the latest version of Google Chrome.
It uses CommonJS/npm, but works great with browserify.
Late answer but this is a good one https://github.com/dbotha/Javascript-k-d-tree (disclaimer - I know the author)
This R-Tree implementation looks pretty good.
RBush is another javascript R-Tree implementation.