Difference when serializing a lazy val with or without @transient

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-03 08:51:03


Working on spark, sometimes I need to send a non-serializable object in each task.

A common pattern is @transient lazy val, e.g

class A(val a: Int)

def compute(rdd: RDD[Int]) = {
  // lazy val instance = {
  @transient lazy val instance = {
    println("in lazy object")
    new A(1)
  val res = rdd.map(instance.a + _).count()

compute(sc.makeRDD(1 to 100, 8))

I found that @transient is not necessary here. lazy val can already create the non-serializable upon each task is executed. But people suggest using @transient.

  1. What is the advantage, if we set @transient on the non-initialized lazy val when serializing it ?

  2. Does it make sense to make a non-initialized val transient for serialization, knowing that nothing will be serialized, just like in the example above ?

  3. How is a @transient lazy val serialized ? Is it treated as a method or something else ?

Some details on serializing @transient lazy val and the compiled java bytecode is awesome.


see here - http://fdahms.com/2015/10/14/scala-and-the-transient-lazy-val-pattern/

In Scala lazy val denotes a field that will only be calculated once it is accessed for the first time and is then stored for future reference. With @transient on the other hand one can denote a field that shall not be serialized.

