Cant open Blue Ocean visual pipeline editor

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-03 08:03:58

Blue Ocean's pipeline editor does not seem to work properly, cause it still in development.

Although, I have found walk-around. To be able to edit script in fancy visual editor you have to open editor's sandbox-mode page:


Then you have to use magic shortcut Ctrl+S (cause buttons are old-fashioned). Ta-da you now have access to code of displayed things.

Feel free to paste your code and copy back after making changes using this app.

You can install the replay pipeline feature available in jenkins. This will allow you to edit your Jenkinsfile and re-run it without committing the changes to your original file (can be done for n number of times). So once you are satisfied with your Jenkinsfile, then you can commit those changes in your original file.

Refer to below link to know more about usage of replay pipeline feature :
