I have a groovy script I am working on, which imports dependencies using the @Grab annotation. This script will run within IDEA, and from the command line. However, within the IDE, the imports are shown in red (as unresolvable), and no auto-completion on the classes so imported is given.
I am accessing a corporate repository via a proxy, which has been configured as the Http Proxy within IDEA (the module should be, and is, in my local .m2 repo anyway!)
Anyone got any ideas (no pun intended!)?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 12.5 Ultimate (IU-129.1135), JRE 1.7, and Groovy 2.1.6
As stated by CrazyCoder, Alt
+ Enter
then select Grab the artifacts and Enter
There could be 2 problems interfering with the resolution of the Grab dependencies
- Your source code folder has not been marked as "Sources Root". To do that, right click on the folder and select
"Mark Directory As" -> "Sources Root"
- Your project does not have a valid Project JDK. To do this, hit Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S, select
"Project" -> "Project SDK"
and give it a Java JDK.
Once these steps are done, you should be able to hit Alt
+ Enter
and then select "Grab the artifacts"