Intellij IDEA not importing dependencies from @Grab in Groovy project

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-03 04:06:27


I have a groovy script I am working on, which imports dependencies using the @Grab annotation. This script will run within IDEA, and from the command line. However, within the IDE, the imports are shown in red (as unresolvable), and no auto-completion on the classes so imported is given.

I am accessing a corporate repository via a proxy, which has been configured as the Http Proxy within IDEA (the module should be, and is, in my local .m2 repo anyway!)

Anyone got any ideas (no pun intended!)?

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 12.5 Ultimate (IU-129.1135), JRE 1.7, and Groovy 2.1.6


As stated by CrazyCoder, Alt + Enter then select Grab the artifacts and Enter


There could be 2 problems interfering with the resolution of the Grab dependencies

  1. Your source code folder has not been marked as "Sources Root". To do that, right click on the folder and select "Mark Directory As" -> "Sources Root"
  2. Your project does not have a valid Project JDK. To do this, hit Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S, select "Project" -> "Project SDK" and give it a Java JDK.

Once these steps are done, you should be able to hit Alt + Enter and then select "Grab the artifacts"

