System.Data.Sqlite not being recognized by Visual Studio 2010 on Win 2K8 Server machine

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-03 00:26:38

I'm running into the same issue with VS2010 and the latest version of the SQLite provider from I haven't resolved it yet with that version, but I did find that when I uninstalled it and then installed the previous version ( from it worked just fine.

EDIT - 2018-06-15: Updated non-working link, and changed answer to reflect improvements over the years with managing project dependencies.

I had the exact same issue...and just ran across this blog that has a workaround:

Original link (considered obsolete by author):

New link (still relevant):

TL;DR: Use the System.Data.SQLite(x86/x64) Nuget package.


I was able to get this to work if I installed the x86 bundle. When you install that one, it will give you an option that does NOT appear in the x64. It will allow you to install the designer tools, where it asks you about putting it in the general cache. It does force the install to the general cache however.

The package that worked for me was: sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010-
